Hello everyone,

Our monthly updates are here! 🎉 We are really excited to write this update as this month has been an important one for WTMG. First, mobile notifications are now available! Many of you have been asking for it since the beginning of WTMG, and we’re just so happy that we finally got the chance to work on it. Secondly, you are invited to the online premiere of Manon’s film, Women Don’t Cycle, on November 26. Keep reading for more details!

🏕️ Improvements to the WTMG platform

  • Mobile notifications are now available! 🎉 This is an important milestone for WTMG! We truly hope that these notifications will improve your experience as a host or as a slow traveller.

    How to turn on mobile notifications:
    1. Open the WTMG website on your phone
    2. Log in to your account
    3. Go to “Account” and follow the instructions

    A massive thank you to Martine, Haroen, Jan, Marie-Marth, Koen, Lianne, Régis, Jules, Steven, Benoît & many others for being our first testers. You have helped us enormously!
Go to your account to turn on notifications
  • A comprehensive Help Center was created to provide detailed information on how to turn on mobile notifications.
  • Smaller bugs were fixed. Names with accents used to appear with a capital letter on WTMG (e.g. Valérie appeared as ValéRie). This has now been fixed.

📣 Communication about WTMG

  • A newsletter was sent to the whole community to announce mobile notifications and the online premiere of Women Don’t Cycle (see below). Since this newsletter, more than 500+ hosts and travellers have already turned on mobile notifications! This is fantastic!

🎉 Community events

  • The first WTMG Meetup took place on August 26, and it was fantastic! WTMG members and hosts came from all over Belgium & beyond (we even had Ali, a host from Djibouti, who happened to be in Brussels! 🇩🇯). There was in fact so much excitement and positivity that members even kept brainstorming about WTMG until 2 am around the campfire! 😍🔥You can read a short summary here.
  • Our next community event will take place on November 26, and you’re invited! When we launched WTMG in 2020, Dries and Manon were just back from cycling 11 months from Brussels to Tokyo. On this journey, Manon wanted to understand what it means to be a woman cycling in different countries around the world, so she took a camera with her and met other women cyclists along the way. She turned these fantastic stories, and our story of cycling 13.500 km, into a documentary: Women Don’t Cycle

    After 120+ screenings worldwide, we are really excited to invite you to the Global Online Premiere on November 26! You will be able to watch the film from home for the first time and be part of a Q&A session afterwards. Get ready to be inspired, cry and laugh at the same time!

    More information and registrations on https://womendontcycle.com/

Last but not least, if you have any suggestion, feedback or idea for WTMG, please don’t hesitate to share it with us by filling the form below (this link also works). Thank you!

See you next time! 👋

The WTMG team
Manon, Thor & Dries